Wednesday, November 16, 2011

31 Days Of Kindness

I'm not even gonna explain where I've been the past few months...Frankly, I probably couldn't tell you anyway :P But Im back!
Ya know, there have been people and things I have experienced that I have always wanted to repay with more than just a "Thank You", even though Im sure just saying that might have enough...So, to teach my daughters appreciation and to know the joy they can bring to someone they don't even know by being kind, even for just a second, I've decided to head up a family campaign called "31 Days of  Kindness".
We will begin on December first from a list I've created (I'm sure there will be plenty of add ins and just random opportunities) and each day we will blog/Facebook our random act of kindness. Of course, we will be and should be doing this everyday, but we will officially record ours beginning on December 1st. Afterall, they say it takes 4 weeks to create a habit and this is that habit I'm hoping to be created in my littles. 
I have created a Facebook event and am hoping we can make this go viral! Please join us!
I want to teach the girls, that not only does it not cost anything to be kind to someone, but the reward is priceless. The value in being a kind person is far greater than not.
So, I will see you on December 1st - and hope you join us on Facebook, as well. Share your random acts and your photos!
Here's a little tag I found at Thumba-Lea 's Blog - Please take & share!

"It's not what you gather, but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you have lived."
- Author Unknown