Showing posts with label Willow House. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Willow House. Show all posts

Monday, March 14, 2011

Welcome Warm Weather

Well, this week is Spring break for the girls. This means they need to be entertained. We have different friends scheduled to come over all week and a different movie and activity for each day! Today was butterfly cakes and Fruity Punch (recipe below) It's super easy and makes snack time that much more fun!
The butterfly cakes were made in these cute butterfly tins I got from a friend filled with just cake mixes then sprinkled with turbinado sugar. 
Fruity Punch
Recipe: makes 2 1/2 gallons
5 pkgs. Hawaiian Punch Kool aid mix
5 cups sugar
3 oranges
Mix Kool Aid per package instructions with mix, sugar & water into a drinking dispenser like I used or a punch bowl. Slice oranges, discarding ends. Add ice and orange slices to drink mix, stir.  Voila. That's it! :p
Garnish glasses with orange slice and you can even sprinkle sugar around the cup rim.
And it looks pretty!
Happy Spring Break
Please go check out my Willow House Facebook page...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How Serene

I have always wanted an asian inspired cottage garden. (If you can picture that). There's just something about English Ivy and the scattered chaos of color like the piercing red of a Japanese Maple tree or the bridges & pagodas - that takes me to a compfy place.
Here's some inspiration I found online. Don't you  just love??
(click on the images for source credit)

And this inspires some great ideas for back yard entertaining.....

The following you can find in my store. :)

I am not a gardener (usually), I mean, I buy geraniums every year from the Auxillary, but that's about as good as I get...Oh, and I pull weeds. But as far as growing anything, I'v never had much luck. So, pray for me that I have success with this.  LOL
Does anyone have a good recipe for moulton lava cake?

I've been dying for one of these and Chili's is too far away ;P

Friday, February 4, 2011

Welcome To My New Home

Thank you for joining me at my new blog home. I've been blogging for years and most frequently post @ Stitchin' Heaven, where my full time amazing job is. Although, I love what I do, so not sure I can call it work :). I've been a guest blogger along with a blog swapper!  I am so excited to now be a part of the willowhouse sisterhood. Thank you to my amazing sponsor, Carmen Hamilton @ Front Porch Welcome!
You know what else is so exciting for me & this blog and being a part of Willow House?  My husband and I just purchased our very firt home, in August. So, "Welcome To My New Home" has an even deeper meaning for me. 
I will use this place for design inspired by everything @ home, for the family, tips for your home and your life, giveaways (of course!) and insight...And to learn from you!
 So welcome! Stay while. Let me know what you think!

My intrigue with apothecary used in design has turned into an obsession! These jars are the best for bringing  hints of nature indoors and adding texture to any space.
xo ~niki