Monday, July 12, 2021

What Doesnt Kill You.....

 oh, man, I havent written a blog post in for-ev-errrr! 

I need somewhere other than TikTok or Facebook, though, where I can journal and make long ass posts lol mostly this is for me to heal and awaken and all that fun stuff but it would be cool as shit if my story or my journey helped someone else through their storm.


Lets make this the "first" of many to come. Let me just tell you what happened....

Ok so lets go back to the beginning of my chaos...June 2020 my hubby's sister was killed in a motorcycle accident...that was devastating...Next month in July I go into ER for kidney stones, because, ya know, thats my thing. I find out I also have CHF. I guess my BP skyrocketed and my EF was only 25%! I go on meds for that....January comes, Im back in hospital because I think im having a heart attack - nope - false alarm, but CT showed I had more kidney stones and fibroids......March back in hospital for kidney stones and surgery....Now, April 26th - I have my gyno appt for fibroids, my uterus looks like a loofah and she doesnt know what it is so shes sending me to the oncologist....not even an hour later, Im heading home and am in a near head on collision. The guy ran the stop sign and hit me as im going 60+mph smashes the passenger side into me....Cuts and bruises and my tibia is broke all the way through.....Its July 12th and Im still not walking...Oh, did i mention that June 2 I had another kidney surgery then June 9th, a hysterectomy...yeah, thats important to mention lol Anyway, thats the stuff above that awakening me and Im sharing as I heal and unbecome.

Feel free to find me on tiktok - @hotmomvibes I have little vids of the car from the accident...