Monday, September 28, 2015

5 Things NOT TO Do Before Buying A Home

Facebook - Agent Niki Bell
 Yes, that's right! The home buying and mortgage process is already pretty precise so to prevent denials or delays, here are 5 things you should not do before buying a home.

Follow me on Facebook for listing and tips. 

Friday, September 25, 2015

3 Ways to Sell Your Home Faster

Here are 3 super beneficial tips in helping make your home more appealing to buyers, therefore, selling it quicker!

1. Declutter - Less is more. Potential buyers want to envision their things in your home. You may love your photo collage on the wall, but buyers may not, and since you will be moving soon, (hopefully after your next showing) minimize everything in your home, stash those old newspapers or bills piled up on the counter and make sure there are clear walkways.

2. Landscaping - You don't have to hire a master gardener, but walking up to a home with a fresh cut lawn and swept porch or doorway, makes all the difference.

3. Find a great realtor. You can have success selling your own home, but a realtor has resources you don't have access to, like the MLS and more.  They have several advertising venues with a network of buyers and investors, and they have the expertise to help with the whole sale process including negotiating for the highest sale price.

Think of it this way, if you were going on a date, you want to look good for the other person, right?! Same goes with your home. Make it to where they choose your home over any other. Make it appealing to drive up to and walk into.
Hope that was helpful!

Find me on Facebook for listings and tips!
The road driving into the Mineola Nature Preserve.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Before & After

Ok, so if you've ventured out to lose weight and have been successful, you know that most commonly you are asked: "How did you do it?"....
Well, growing up, I was always super skinny. I was a size 0 when I got pregnant with my first daughter. Of course, 4 daughters later, including a set of twins, my body probably isn't capable of size 0 again, but I don't exactly have a desire to be that little either. I am now a proud size 8, 155 lbs and am 5'9. I don't want to be skinny. I want to be healthy. That is why I did this.
Now, let me tell you how I did it.....
For a little over 2 years I have been on an up and down weight loss-get-in-to-shape-feel better journey. I started out with the LoseIt app that is like a weigh loss social media network. It helps you count calories, record your progress and share. I love it! In 2011, when I first started, I was at 183lbs. I changed my eating eating habits, first, by dropping the Pepsi. Then making conscience decisions to move it, llitterally. Like, I would park farther away in the parking lot so I'd have to walk, or take the stairs instead of the elevator..Seriously, you'll notice a difference with such small changes. I then opened a business and well, for the next 10 months, I wasn't as active in pursuing my weight loss-get-in-to-shape-feel better journey. Being overweight, too, I suffered from acid reflux. It seemed like every night I would struggle with sleep because of the crazy heart burn I was having...Guess what?! Since I have lost the belly weight, I haven't had any trouble with heart bun - at all! Pretty nice if you know what I mean!
Alright, aside from kicking my Pepsi addiction, I of course, calorie count, and am very cautious of what goes into my body. I also workout now and when I can't I just make sure Im moving...I did Insanity (by Beachbody) I do Hip Hop Abs (Beachbody) to throw in a mix, I have done Zumba, going to the gym, and am actually doing the 21 Day Fix right now (message me if you wanna know more about it). If you can tell, I like change and to mix up my routines. I get bored easily, but not only that, with having a family and a full time job, I can't always commit to one type of workout. Just keep in mind that as long as you are consistent and careful with what you put in your body, you can be successful.
Here's me: 2011 & 2014

Subscribe for tips, tricks, recipes, workouts and advice I have found helpful in my journey. Not everyone is the same, so we won't all have the same results, but I hope that with providing you with weekly meals, exercise plans, grocery lists and recipes, we can work together for a healthier more energetic and productive you!
I just started the 21 Day Fix - I will be posting my progress! And please, please ask me anything!

You with me!?
Don't forget to follow me here and my other social media networks:

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The 10 Best Things in Life....

Every day you are reminded of how sweet life really is, whether you know it or not....
So, here's my list of the 10 best things life has to offer....You can't put price tags on these things! xoxo

1. Beating heart - this means you are alive and you have the capability of loving, being loved and making a difference in someone's life.
2. Smiles - these are contagious! Notice that when you smile at someone, you almost always get a smile back! See?! Do it!
3. Laughter - not only is it fantastic to laugh whether you be alone or with someone else - and its excellent excersize! Google it!
4. Driving with the windows down - If you can get over the worry of your hair getting messed up, stick you hand out the window or even lean your face out there. I love this feeling. I could care less if its 110 or 20 degrees outside, I always drive with my window down.
5. Toes in the sand - oooh....just try it!
6. Great conversation - notice how embracing it is to have a great conversation with someone. Its engaging, most times educational or enlightening. Its always entertaining in some way to have great conversation. Do it often if you can. Its easy to get busy and get stuck in routine, but if you have the chance to strike it up, you wont regret it.
7. Helping someone - you can hold a door open , offer to carry something for someone...It doesnt cost you a thing to do something kind for someone. Its win win. Kindness is rewarding.
8. Smell of the desert after the rain...Yeah, you might have to live in Arizona to get what I mean by this...But the smell of the dirt and mesquite after the rain is truly blissful.
9.  Handwritten notes - Isnt pretty awesome when rather than receiving an email or text someone leaves you a handwritten note? When was the last time you have a handwritten note or even received one? Why not? Just do it!
10. Nature - look around you. Take in a deep breath. Exhale slowly and indulge in the air you breath. Go to a park, a lake, a roadside stop and walk around look up. Look down. When was the last time you held a leaf and really looked at it. Its liberating to just observe stuff like that, that we take for granted. Live in the moment.

Bonus: Kissing - nothing is better than a kiss from someone you love, from a child, from anyone...Kisses are always good!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Way Too Long

Its been entirely too long since Ive written here....I used to love writing blog entries. I think its time I start again, huh?
To be inspired at home, especially during the holiday, then to stay inspired throughout the year and as life changes inside the home is a pretty humbling thing....
Value what you have.....
And for all my #GavinGirls.....Happy Holidays!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Gavin Degraw Memes

I just have too much fun making these!
Hope you All have the Merriest Christmas & Happiest of Holidays!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Inspired at Home

And indeedy I was. Right here, at home, sitting in front of the computer on Pinterest for what seemed like only minutes, when in "real life" was about 3 hours...But that's besides the point, you know you've done it too...So anyway, if you're at all engaged in social comunities & networks, you have seen the Ryan Gossling "Hey Girl" memes everywhere. Like the one I made below. They have them customized for everyone from the crafter, to the realtor and just stuff girls know. Anyway, I got to thinking, why does it have to be Ryan, necessarily?? Why can't I use my own celebrity-musical crush, Gavin Degraw? (don't get me wrong, I DO NOT mind seeing Ryan all over saying "hey girl") Anyway, You know him? If not, go listen now, Google him :)

Gavin says "Hey Babe" in my memes, though. Here are a few! Seriously, amusing :P I should be making Christmas Presents right now....Enjoy!
